Thursday, April 16, 2015

Rhetorical Writing in my past week

There were several different writing examples I had in the last week. From Face book, texting and email to applications, homework and a few handwritten letters.

I wrote an email to my friend Rob, who is deployed on an aircraft carrier in the Navy and is currently stationed in Greece. When he is out to sea, there is no other way to communicate with him other than email. So this medium of writing is extremely useful in situations like that. It was definitely informal communication and the tone was friendly and happy.  We talked about things like where he just came from and the details about that certain place. We talk about family, how they are doing and how each other are. More specifically our last conversation was about gyros and which I wanted him to try while he was there. I am not sure there is a specific genre of writing or topic, more just random conversation as a means of continuous contact until he is home and we can talk in person.  Its easy conversation.  The purpose of this type of writing is to communicate with each other when it’s not possible to do so face to face.

We send texts every day. I specifically have a wide range of people from day to day.  There are the people I text every day from my girlfriend, to my mother, sister and close friends. Then there are the random people that I will text with every few days.  Those texts are usually more purposeful.  Coworkers, friends, distant family members.  It’s another means of communication until I see those people in person.  All of them have a specific purpose whether it’s to say "Good morning, I love you and I hope you have a good day at work" to my girlfriend or a reminder to "Please remember Joey's baseball glove" to my sons father. The tone with each text is not going to be the same because we are trying to get different points across to different people with different meanings, so the tone has to change to communicate that effectively through typed out text, whether casual or formal. 

I also had to fill out an application to be able to chaperon a field trip with my son's first grade class.  It was very straightforward what I had to write.  There were questions and I had to provide clear and specific answer.  This is so there is no mis-communication in what they were asking and the responses I was providing.  It was formal and the tone was professional, if there was a tone at all. These types of writing don't appear to require much personalization, tone or quality.  Just straight, specific facts to get down to the point of what they initially need.  My information to make sure I am eligible to accompany a group of 1st graders safely to the zoo.

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