Thursday, April 16, 2015

Narratives from day to day

My close friends and family that know me well, know that I have a strong sense of humor and can be very sarcastic and enjoy humor and sarcasm in return.  So, of course we tell lots of stories throughout the day to get a laugh out of each other or to explain the funniest thing that happened last weekend or however many months ago.  I also am a very clumsy person and am extremely accident prone. I am one of those that trips over her own hair and chokes on air.  More times than not, that produces a good story after the initial shock of whatever accident I just survived has passed. I spend a lot of time outdoors and that can cause a lot of accidents to a stable person, so someone like me with weak ankles and terrible balance is always picking herself up off the ground. Again, these qualities that I have provide a hilarious platform for me to share these stories with my family and friends. There are very few times that I talk serious with my them.  I prefer to handle those things on my own and only share the laughter and humor of my life with them, not the drama and stress. I enjoy seeing my loved ones smile and hearing them laugh, even if it happens to be at my own expense. That does not mean that serious, important stories are not a part of my day though.  I believe being a supportive, loving family member and friend means listening and being there when you are needed. I will listen to any of these people that need me, tell me stories of things that are bothering them or bringing them down and then if it is welcomed, will provide my experiences and ways that I handled similar situations to try and help them through whatever struggle they are going through. Another more serious form of "story-telling" involved in my day is communication with my instructors, my sons teacher, co workers and managers. Occasionally the story telling may lighten up with these people, but more often than not it will be to communicate something important or something that I find necessary to communicate to them.  For example in my math class, I struggle big time. So I may explain to my instructor the many ways I worked through certain problems in detail the night before to try and find the correct answer and how I do not understand which part of that specific problem. This allows him to understand where I am struggling be able to work through that part with me and better understand what he needs to work with me on so that I can be successful in his class.

I read a lot also. So a good amount of the story telling in my life happens in the novels that I read.  I enjoy reading the news online and then reading the community's responses to the news articles posted on the internet which gives me an opportunity to read not only what is going on in our community and around the world, but the opinions (stories) of the people in the community and around the world in response to those news stories. 

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