Tuesday, April 21, 2015

In class lab: Narrative Literacy

             A Traumatic Transcendental Experience
Narrative Essay: Jeanne Juenger
Page 1, Paragraph 1 

1.       Locate and copy an especially vivid description from one of the narratives in your textbook (be sure to use quotation marks and indicate page and paragraph #)
  • ·    “Like one condemned to the gallows, I mounted the well-worn steps leading to the suspended loft. The choir loft, an isolated, lonely place akin to purgatory, an existence between God in His heaven and man bound to earth, was to be where I faced the terrible specter of technology, even technology now centuries old.” 


Narrative Essay: Raina McCumber
Page 1, Paragraph 5

2.       Locate and copy an especially vivid bit of dialog from the same (or another) narrative (again, be sure to use quotation marks and indicate page and paragraph #)

  • ·          “I was feeding the chickens, ducks, and geese when I felt a sharp pain on my back. I couldn’t help, but scream out. Wondering what it could be I turned around to see Red coming at me once again. I tried to get away, but he was too fast. He leaped up, flapping his wings, stretched out his legs, and thrust his claws into my legs and struck my back with his beak. I quickly turned around and threw the bucket of feed at him. Red jumped back, but wouldn’t run off. He just stood there watching, daring me to make a move. I never took my eyes off him as I reached for the bucket and started yelling at him. Red backed up a few feet while I moved the bucket back and forth trying to scare him. I started to breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, Red turned to face me. I crouched down in a defensive mode. I got ready by grabbing the bucket handle really tight to hit him if he decided to come at me again. Red didn’t move. He just stood there and shot daggers at me with his devil eyes. I kept swinging the bucket. Red took a few more steps then turned around. He was pushing my every last nerve and enjoying the game of toying with me. Red’s gaze made me nervous. I started to back up slowly. When there was enough space between Red and me, I took off running to the house.”


A Traumatic Transcendental Experience
Narrative Essay: Jeanne Juenger
Page 1, Paragraph 4


3.       How about sounds, smells, touch, emotion? Locate and copy (again indicating page and paragraph #) down a couple of especially vivid sensory descriptions from the same (or a different) narrative
  • ·         “So, I ascended the steep, narrow stairwell with only shadows lighting my way, a foreboding sense of a sure and sudden descent to depths unknown building with each faltering step. Emerging from the tomblike stairwell, Jon and I entered the long, narrow place of judgment, the choir loft. Directly ahead of us lay the dreaded, yet mandatory tool, the pipe organ console. The bare, solid oak choir benches to our left and the formidable, dark oak banister to our right held us captive as we walked the 25-foot path to the console. The waist-high barrier at our right hand overlooked the massive sanctuary below and crouched beneath the expansive, vaulted ceilings, denying with all finality any intercessions for help from either heaven or earth.”

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