Monday, April 13, 2015

Is everyone an Author?
I personally cannot say with confidence that "yes, everyone is an Author."  I have always believed that Authors were people like Stephen King or Jane Austen. I do think that everyone has the capability to write if they chose to, but I would not label them all Authors.  I realize that in the introduction to our textbook, there are several statements backing up why every person could be considered an Author. However, I think by saying that a random person who creates a Facebook page and has 200+ followers reading their personal rants is an Author, puts them in the same category as someone like William Shakespeare. That's hard for me to accept.  Because if we say that just because technology allows us to share our personal thoughts to people all over, that makes us an Author.  I really think that takes away from the real Authors and the respect that title holds for them by pouring themselves into and creating timeless works of art like Romeo and Juliet or Pride and Prejudice.  I am certainly not saying that everyone could not be an Author if that's what they wanted. I am just saying that I don't agree with categorizing or labeling them the same as people like John Steinbeck or Harper Lee for creating an acceptance speech for wining an award. The dictionary's definition of an Author is:
a person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of a literary work, as distinguished from a compiler, translator, editor, or copyist.
 I think that supports more of my opinion that that of the supporting opinions in the textbook. We teach our students in all grade levels about some of the works of the Authors that I mentioned above as part of curriculum in Elementary through High School grades, not so much about personal opinions and rants on social media. I could be wrong, this class and text may teach  me otherwise.  But if and until that happens, I prefer to leave the title of Author for those who have earned it and not label anyone else otherwise.  

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