Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Potential topics for my first paper

I have had a really hard time deciding on a topic that I feel is suitable for this paper. Reading has had a big influence on my life, I have always enjoyed escaping through a story and get very caught up in what I am reading. However, pin pointing an experience that has affected me either positively or negatively is not as easy as just saying I enjoy reading, it is a big part of my life. I think the most effective story I can tell on this topic is how being able to read and enjoy books has affected my life as a mother. I have a 7 year old son who is in first grade and who is now reading at a second grade level. I have read with him since he was born and it has always been a thing between us, one of many ways that we bond.  It has always been very important to me that one of the many things he could do, and enjoy doing was reading a book.  Settling down, picking up a book and getting lost in a story.  There have been many experiences with him, that with great detail come to mind and give me fond memories of different stories we have enjoyed together.

Another topic I have thought about is the very first book I read on my own without being told to. I was in sixth grade and I was walking to my moms work after school and it was raining.  I stopped at the library to dry off and warm up and picked up one of the books that was on display and sat by the fake fire that was in the library and began reading. I ended up bringing that book home and finished it in two days. All 870 pages, in two days. I stayed up nearly the whole night the first night I had it at home.  This is when I first realized how much I loved reading.  This is also a very important memory for me because it introduced me to a series that I fell in love with and am still in love with and am now enjoying with my son.

The tricky part will be thinking back on all the details for these memories that I have. I remember them, but its the little details that will take the work digging up to bring into my story. My topic may very well change before my rough draft is complete, if through working on these, another memory pops up that seems more important than these.

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