Tuesday, May 5, 2015

reading sources critically

Reading Sources Critically
1.       The author argued that using the N-word is not acceptable in any terms or circumstance.  He argues that the use of the word in any context should be left to the black folk because of the aggressive history of the term between white and black people. He believes that it should be left to the black folk to decide when and where that word is acceptable for use.

2.       He had a few simple arguments stating that it is okay for a redneck to joke around about being a redneck and use that word casually.  However, someone that does not live that lifestyle can not use the word redneck without disrespect. He used the argument that it is okay for me to talk about my mother and joke about her, but it is absolutely not acceptable for anyone else to talk about my mother in a joking tone.  He cited that people are always coming to him saying “well, Dave Chapelle uses the N-word casually and jokes with that word all the time, so it should be okay for me to use it” or “I have a black friend who uses that word often, so that should make it okay for me”.  He argues that even in these circumstances, it is not okay to use it.  He doesn’t seem to have many sources, besides his own opinion.  So it may not be as persuasive as he meant it to be.  It did offer a strong point of view on the subject, which allows the reader to think about what he is saying, however, he does not offer much background into why he feels the way he does.

3.       Tim Wise started his career as an activist against racism and nazi-ism in Louisiana. I am postitive this experience affected his stance on race and the use of racist terms.  He is very clear and specific about how he feels about his argument and makes his stance known with out confusion.  He doesn’t share many other opposing views, just his own and he backs it up with his opinions and views. He doesn’t seem to have any special interest on the topic other than supporting his personal opinion.

4.       His stance is specifically supportive of his opinion.  He really doesn’t offer any other stances, except that it is not acceptable to use the N-word, unless you are black, in which case it is at your discretion to decide when and if it is okay to use it.

5.       We are hearing a lot about racism and the disrespect of black people in the news and media lately with all the riots.  The other sources are coverage in the news and media on people retaliating and rioting over unfair treatment of different races.

6.       I think his argument allows readers to think on the subject.  A lot of times we don’t really think about what we are saying when we make a joke about how this person looks and how it affects those people. His argument allows readers to begin to think about that. I have always been of the opinion that words like that are ugly and disrespectful and have never really wanted to use them.  His argument supports my opinion on this subject.  His argument is also supported every day in the media and news with all the riots happening over race and unfair treatment of other races.

7.       The purpose of his argument may have been to share about his opinion and why he feels so strongly about it.  The intended audience could be people that have read his book and are interested in what he has to say, or human rights students and activists.  I think anyone who watches the video becomes a member of his audience. Whether or not it affects personal opinions depends on the person listening and their current stance.  The main point was to argue his view of the use of the N-word. 

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