Thursday, May 21, 2015

In Class Lab: Taking Stock of Your Analysis

1.      How did you go about analyzing the text? What methods did you use and which ones were most helpful?

Evidence drawn from close analysis of the subject. I spent a lot of time doing research on statistics regarding Marriage Equality in the U.S. and included my findings in my paper. I felt that it needed that solid foundation to be able to educate people on the facts about this subject. I appreciate when I am listening to an educated argument, that there are facts involved to show the truth of the argument, not just somebody's assumption of what they are arguing. I am more likely to listen and believe what someone is arguing when they know what they are talking about and have the facts to back it up. Insight gained from your analysis. The research and data that I included in my paper gives the reader a true and honest background on the subject.  Being able to read the argument and have the facts to back it up gives the argument more power. 

2.      How did you go about drafting your essay?

The In class lab that we did “Developing your argument” really made a difference. I was able to answer each of those questions with a good solid answer and that gave me a base for my argument. After answering those questions, I had a good idea of the order that I wanted to put my paper in and that helped me get started. Then I spent a few days reading articles for and against marriage equality to be able to have an educated view from both sides of the argument to be included in my paper. I spent some time after that researching facts and statistics online to be able to support my argument and add to my paper. After I had all that, I feel like it came together nicely.

3.       How well did you organize your written analysis?  What, if anything, could you do to make it easier to read?

I think it is in pretty good order. I started it off with facts regarding the issue and then addressed them with my stance and my argument. I included some arguments that I read that the opposition had and addressed those with my rebuttal and then ended the paper with why it matters so much to me and should matter to everyone else. I also included some statistics as to why the subject is so important in the closing.

4.       Did you provide sufficient evidence to support your analysis?

I spent several days reading other articles on this subject. I read articles that were for and against marriage equality so that I had an idea of what the opposition was arguing and what their point was. I also spent several days researching statistics and data on marriage equality and the effect it has on families and the community. I included a lot of what I found in my research into my paper to be able to educate my readers with facts that they may not know. I did not know a lot of the statistics before I did the research, so writing this paper has given me more knowledge on something I am already very passionate about and know I have more information to back my argument and my views on marriage equality.
5.       What did you do especially well?

I incorporated a lot of what I found in my research into my paper to be able to educate my readers with facts that they may not know. I did not know a lot of the statistics before I did the research, so writing this paper has given me more knowledge on something I am already very passionate about and now I have more information to back my argument and my views on marriage equality. I used pathos to offer the emotional side of the argument, from my point of view emotionally as well as a lot of the community’s emotional thoughts on it. I also used logos to appeal to the logical side of the argument for people like me who are more factual and prefer knowledge and truth in an argument.

6.       What could still be improved?

It was not as long as I would have liked it to be. We have a 1200-1500 word limit and my paper is sitting at 1269. I would like to add more, I could really argue on this subject all day, but it is hard to continue on with a word limit. In the next week until it is do I plan to do a bit more research and read over my paper a few more times as well as have a few people in my group of friends/family read through it and offer opinions and see if there is any more I could add to it to perfect it.

7.       Did you use any visuals, and if so, what did they add? Could you have shown the same thing with words?

I did not add any visuals to mine.  I really did not see a need for visuals in my argument and am not really sure what kind of visual I would add anyways.

8.       How did other reader’s responses influence your writing?

I have not really had anyone else read my paper yet. I sent it to my girlfriend who reads all papers and would have a biased opinion anyways and my mother and mother in law. I got positive responses from all of them and that gave me some more confidence in my writing.  However I am looking forward to a response from someone who is not close to me and biased on the subject or the writer.

9.       What would you do differently next time?

I would honestly pick another subject that was easier.  I did not expect to struggle through writing this paper so much because it is a subject that is so close to me and that I live with every single day. I had a really hard time starting this paper because it is such a sensitive subject and most opinions on it are purely emotional responses with no data or background. It was difficult to recognize the opposition’s arguments because I did not find them educated or rational at all and a few of them were honestly insulting. So it was hard to write a paper that was not filled with frustration and me just lashing out at my oppositions ignorant and uneducated arguments.
It took me a few days to read through the opposition’s argument and figure out an appropriate way to respond without also being rude, ignorant or disrespectful of the opposition’s opinions.

10.   Are you pleased with your analysis? What did it teach you about the text you analyzed? Did it make you want to study more works by the same writer or artist?

I am pleased with what I wrote.  Like I said, I struggled through it and being able to finish it was a good thing for me. It offered me a lot of information doing the research and I have a lot more knowledge on the subject, which I always appreciate. I definitely want to study more. I could write a novel on my argument for marriage equality and the rebuttals to the opposition.

11.   What are the skills and processes you can take from this assignment into future writing situations?

Research is key when you are developing an argument. From start to finish, what I have to offer in my argument has changed so much. Being able to include data and statistics makes a huge difference to an argument and there is so much to know about this. Most peoples arguments on marriage equality are seriously uneducated, and as I stated before, based on emotion. So offering details like that adds a lot of power to an argument, which I will keep in mind in all future writing assignments.  Writing about something you care about and knowing what you are writing about and then including that into that paper, is very important. I am much more likely to appreciate a writing that includes details and facts and information. 

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